Saturday, March 6, 2010

Now its My Time

Yes, now its time for me to set off for my journey. A journey that I am destined to take. A journey for which I have to move on and leave my past behind. I am leaving this city for a good cause of finding my self and being stronger than before. As I sit At my desk and close my eyes I see only one thing and that is the journey ahead of me. I know that I will face many difficulties and challanges. I will prepare my self for them. and hey, that's life. I feel like a warrior who is preparing for his battle, a quest which will define his persona. I want to be a Spartan Soldier who never retreats or surrenders. This is who I am and I know what I want.


  1. [crying] cool post and a good sketch... we will make it... and this is gonna change us, make us, refine us...

  2. All the very best man! May the Force be with you!
